111/12/08 國際交流 2022.12 國際藥學組織重要新聞與文件譯文10篇(英翻中5篇、中翻英5篇) 附件為2022FIP、新聞與文件譯文 A6 Expanded pharmacy-based care for NCDs facilitated by new regulatory self-assessment tool from FIP A7 FIP launches new World Pharmacists Day Champions initiative A9 Pharmacists encouraged to expand roles in mental health with two new FIP resources A10 Responses to COVID-19 by profession around the world shared in new FIP report B6 世界病安日 藥師共同響應用藥無害 B7 全聯會與大韓藥師會締結姊妹會 B8 多語用藥指示小工具 用藥安全無國界 B9 第80屆FIP世界藥學會開幕 台灣防疫被看見 B10 莫德納:台灣是亞洲唯一mRNA與流感疫苗臨床試驗中心 A8 FIP names 20 women as rising stars in pharmaceutical sciences and education 訊息清單