111/06/09 國際交流 2022.6 國際藥學組織重要新聞與文件譯文10篇(英翻中5篇、中翻英5篇) 附件為2022FIP、新聞與文件譯文 A new handbook on management of colds, influenza and sinusitis aims to support pharmacists and health systems FIP calls on global pharmacy to give humanitarian support to Ukraine Latest handbook from FIP gives pharmacists guidance on supporting self-care FIPs official status with WHO renewed Latest handbook from FIP gives pharmacists guidance on supporting self-care 如何將青年藥師影響力延伸至更廣層面 健保雲端 新增抗病毒藥交互作用主動提示 醫療分級欲落實 處方釋出藥及時 藥事照護再升級 守護長者健康不停歇 藥師全聯會拜會總統蔡英文 訊息清單