110/12/03 國際交流 國際藥學組織重要新聞與文件譯文10篇(英翻中5篇、中翻英5篇) 附件為2021FIP新聞與文件譯文 特別感謝台灣年輕藥師協會協助翻譯 FIP publishes competency framework for pharmacists working in the humanitarian arena New resource from FIP supports pharmacists in tackling public health threat of diabetes New resource to tackle vaccines hesitancy released by FIP The impact of young pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists on global health highlighted in a new report 高雄多元藥事照護 朝無障礙環境邁進 掃描非處方藥外盒QR Code 用藥訊息搶先看 掌握國際藥品警訊 保障用藥安全 黃金舜接受廣播專訪 談全聯會未來展望 藥師職業體驗營 為愛+值 The impact of young pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists on global health highlighted in a new report 訊息清單