2020 第一屆亞洲藥學院聯盟年輕科學家會議(1st AASP Young Scientist Conference 2020),
詳細內容見後方網址 (https://www.aaspyoungscicof.com/)
線上報名即日開始,12/1 截止。
Good morning...
You may have information that AASP will held a 1st AASP Young Scientist Conference on 11-13 December 2020.
The conference will be conducted as a virtual conference.
Here is the link to conference website: https://www.aaspyoungscicof.com/
Please inform to your junior colleagues (max 45 years) and your students (master and doctoral) to join the conference.
Deadline for abstract submission is 1st December 2020.
Please make online registration through conference website.
Registration fee:
(a) AASP member (individual): US$ 10
(b) Non-AASP members : US$ 60
(c) APTFI member (institution): US$ 40
(d) Students: US$ 25
The program of 1st AASP Young Scientist Conference will consist of:
-Plenary lectures
-Lectures by invited speakers
-Oral & poster presentations
The conference will cover topics include, but not limited to:
-Pharmaceutical chemistry (analytical method development & validation; sensor development; separation method, etc)
-Medicinal Chemistry (synthesis; CADD; in silico study in re-purposing drug for Covid-19; receptor identification, etc)
-Pharmaceutical Biology-Phytochemistry (isolation new compounds from plants & marine biotas; herbal medicines, etc)
-Pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology (formulation; drug delivery system; nanomedicines, etc)
-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (development of biosimilar products, vaccine, etc)
-Clinical Pharmacy
-Social Pharmacy