第十二屆紀念王創辦人永慶先生國際研討會 (Video Conference)
【Revisiting Faculty Development in Medical Education: Assessment, Identity, and Scholarship】
會議時間:2020年 10月 16 日(星期五) 08:00~17:00
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speaker 講者 |
Moderator 主持人 |
08:00~08:30 |
Registration報到 |
08:30~08:35 |
Opening Remark引言 |
程文俊主委 |
08:35~08:40 |
Address by Honorable Guest貴賓致詞 |
陳時中部長(暫定) |
08:40~08:45 |
大合照 |
08:45~09:25 |
Excellence and scholarship in the delivery of education |
John Norcini |
楊智偉 |
09:25~09:35 |
Q & A Discussion問答討論 |
楊智偉 |
09:35~10:15 |
Faculty development to foster learners’ professional identity formation |
Linda Snell |
倪衍玄 |
10:15~10:25 |
Q & A Discussion問答討論 |
楊智偉 |
10:25~10:40 |
Coffee Break休息 |
10:40~11:20 |
Faculty development to promote clinicians’ Identities as teachers |
Yvonne Steinert |
龔嘉德 |
11:20~11:30 |
Q & A Discussion問答討論 |
龔嘉德 |
11:30~12:10 |
Faculty development and assessment for medical humanities |
Ming-Jo Ho |
林其和 |
12:10~12:20 |
Q & A Discussion問答討論 |
龔嘉德 |
12:20~13:30 |
Lunch午餐 |
13:30~14:10 |
Identity theories and researching identity in a faculty development study setting
Lynn Monrouxe |
蕭政廷 |
14:10~14:20 |
Q & A Discussion問答討論 |
蕭政廷 |
14:20~14:40 |
Using training needs assessment to develop a nurse preceptor centered training program |
Hui-Ling Lin 林慧玲 |
陳淑賢 |
14:40~15:00 |
Positioning identities in senior residents' narratives |
Kuo-Chen Liao 廖國臣 |
查岱龍 |
15:00~15:10 |
Panel Discussion專題討論 |
蕭政廷 |
15:10~15:25 |
Coffee Break休息 |
15:25~15:45 |
Medical assessment in the digital era |
Tsuen-Chiuan Tsai 蔡淳娟 |
陳祖裕 |
15:45~16:05 |
Teacher as a scholar in evidence-based medicine |
Ching-Chi Chi 紀景琪 |
陳震寰 |
16:05~16:25 |
Mentoring facilitates assessment with more observation |
Te-Chuan Chen 陳德全 |
楊仁宏 |
16:25~16:45 |
Panel Discussion專題討論 |
洪明銳 |
16:45~16:55 |
Award Presentation Ceremony頒獎典禮 |
簡榮南 |
16:55~17:00 |
Closing Remark結語 |
簡榮南 |
- 10/16大會議程: https://webapp.cgmh.org.tw/cgintl-conf/CGMEC2020/index?id=2020080609504203988
- 10/16大會報名: https://webapp.cgmh.org.tw/cgintl-conf/CGMEC2020/login?url=sign_2
- 免費參加,額滿為止,請有興趣的會員盡速報名,以免向隅。